Showing posts with label A to Z Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A to Z Challenge. Show all posts

Z is for Zoo- A to Z Challenge

Ever get the feeling that you live or work in a zoo, and that you are not only a captive but also the keeper? While I often feel that way at home, being a mother kind of requires it. Especially wit the addition of two crazy cats who insist on feuding whenever they are in sight of people and each other. My Z is for that zoo, and the poor overworked zookeeper.

The internet community often feels like a zoo too. Some members are insanely intelligent, others insanely... well, not. And if you spend any time on bulletin boards or public forums you will run into both. I think any gathering of people will have the same balance, although the smaller the group obviously the less varied the extremes will be. But in every environment is the keeper. The one soul that everyone feels safe and comfortable talking to. The one that somehow has to solve every problem, whether or not it effects them. And even when they need to retreat from the zoo, they are unable.

I am setting today, and hopefully many other days, to helping the keepers of other zoos. While I might be the zoo keeper most days at home, there are other people that put on that hat in other parts of my life. You must know at least one as well. The person that always seems to be in the middle making a valiant effort to make things better. Sometimes this poor soul has huge things going on in their own lives, that you know or do not know about. Take today to support that person, or people, in each of the communities you interact with. No matter their personal struggles, these zoo keepers do their best by us even when they really want to be home in their own bed hiding from the world.

Who are you a zoo keeper for? Who are your favorite zoo keepers in your life, online or off? Give your favorite support system some support, love, chocolate, or something today to let them know that you understand and appreciate their presence in your life.

Y is for You- A to Z challenge

Y is for you, the readers of this blog, my fellow A to Z challengers, and those in search of a good book. Thank you for reading, commenting, or just stopping in. Without you I would just be muttering in the dark, although I do that too. I am glad that you are here, that you are who you are, and that you let me be me.

I might not know you well, or at all, but you are here and I appreciate it. Aside from the spammers, which Blogger catches for me every time, you are wonderful readers. Every contact and connection I have had due to this blog has been with intelligent and absolutely fabulous people. Even if it has only been reading a new blog because of the challenge or a comment without an actual comment from me (mainly because I can not come up with a meaningful comment and refuse to leave the 'I was here' comments), I have loved every moment. I cannot wait to see where we go next.

Each and everyone of you is special and I am better for having contact with you. I mean you, yes you!

X is for Xerox- A to Z Challenge

X is for Xerox (I was having issues coming up with a topic, so be aware that I will twist this word around). Just about everyone has used, or heard, the word xerox used to mean a photocopy regardless of the brand of the copier machine. Just like the word Kleenex is often used for tissue, or scrunchie is used for a bulky ponytail holder even those that is just a different spelling of the name of the first company to market them.I so rarely buy the name brands of these things, unless a coupon or rebate is involved, but still find myself using the name brand as the name of what I want. There are lots of words like these, words that have become so much a part of daily life that we do not think about the accuracy of what we are saying.

Think about some of the name brands out there that are so iconic that they have become a substitute for the actual name of the product. Xerox, Kleenex, Miracle Grow, Coke, High C or Kool Aid, Mack truck, WD-40, Scotch Tape, and so on. Can you think of some I forgot?

What words like xerox do you use daily? Are there some that bother you?

W is for Words- A to Z Challenge

W is for words. There is an almost endless supply of words at out disposal, endless really if you consider all the misspellings and made up words that creep up. Words can be very powerful, or absolutely meaningless.Sometimes the same exact words. I love you, I am sorry, I forgive you, thank you, and other phrases can hold life changing power or be rendered weak and meaningless depending on how they are used. This holds true in writing and in real life. Tone, context, and repetition can all render these words (and others)  impotent.

Think about some adjectives that sometime hold great significance, but more often that not fall flat simply because they are used so much. Some examples are pretty, healthy, or smart. They are thrown around so often that I think they have lost some of their power, and I often reach for different words when those are the first to come to mind. Today I will start paying more attention to the words I choice and how I use them, both to ensure that I am saying exactly what I mean, and to impart the degree of what I want to express.

Then there are the words that bring out the grammar nazi in me. While I am far from perfect, I am a horrific speller and have been know to type affect when I mean effect (although I generally catch both in my proofreading), the fact that people cannot pick the correct there, their, or they're irks me to no end. Come on! And the text message abbreviations and whatnot that show up on social networks will bring me to defriend or unfollow someone- it honestly bothers me that much. The only social network thing that bothers me more are the girls and women that think the pictures of them with fish lips are attractive. *shudder*

What words do you feel are most often over or miss used? Do you have a word pet peeve?

V is for Villain- A to Z Challenge

V is for villain, a character that can make or break any story. A story that has great tension, heroes, humor, and everything else a reader could want but lacking a good villain often falls flat. A villain does not even need to be a person, it could be the government, a system, or a misunderstanding that stands at the root of all conflict. Sometimes the villain does not even know that they are the villain, or make an effort to be so. Like in Les Miserables, one villain is a man doing his job and strictly enforcing the law but forgetting about compassion, and another villain is the very poverty and social upheaval that leads to the French Revolution.

My favorite villains are the ones you love, or love to hate. The villains with a humor to them or a badness that is simply over the top. Think about some  the classic villains; scheming witches or kings looking for more power, those that think that they are better than those around them. There are the villains that know they are doing wrong, but do not really care. Then there are the villains that are noble in their own way, working towards what they see as the greater good even if it means perpetrating some evil deeds along the way. I have a special love for the characters that start off as villains, but somehow turn into the hero or just leave you rooting for them to somehow come out on top.

What do you think makes a great villain? Who is your favorite villain?

U is for Unique- A to Z Challenge

U is for unique. Anyone that reads a lot is bound to run into books that feel familiar, even if they are new reads by a new author. Some themes, conventions, conflicts, names, whatever seem to be used more often than others and become familiar. There are also authors that have written the same type of book, or books from the same series, for so long that they all sort feel the same. This is not always a bad thing, sometimes it is comforting to wrap yourself in a comfortable, familiar world and read.

However, a book that feels new, a book with a unique story or twist can really shake things up. These are often not the most popular books, because they often make the readers think or take them out of their comfort zone. As an avid reader, I am inordinately excited to find a book that is unique, even if I do not particularly enjoy the reading process. If a book entertains or informs me WHILE being new and unique, they are quickly added to my list of books I need to recommend to others. Books on my list range from picture books to off adult non fiction, because you never know when an author's voice or take on something will be exciting and new. Though I will admit that I struggle to read that balance, an enjoyable or informative but unique experience, I do not believe I have reached it. I strive for that balance with all of my creative endeavors.

How do you feel when you read or encounter truly unique? Does it excite you or make you uncomfortable?

T is for Testing- A to Z Challenge

T is for Test. Testing does not stop with school. Every single day includes tests. Tests of your limits, abilities, patience, endurance, and so on. Children, and every living creature, test their limits daily. They want to see how far they can go, what they can get away with, and what they can do for themselves.

Then there are the days that test you more than you are quite prepared for. The days of bad news, or good news; the days that will change the way you look at yourself and others. There are also the days where only your sanity and patience are tested, but continually. Yesterday was one of those days that tested my sanity- everything that could go wrong did, but nothing incredibly important. Simply every single annoyance and frustration that could creep up did. From not being able to find my shoes, to an exploding coffee pot, to not getting this post up on time- but enough of that. I know that the day is done, and am glad that nothing serious happened, only a singularly bad day.

So, to start this day a little better than yesterday, and ignore the lingering headache, i will test my own limits today as my children test my noise tolerance levels. Can I push past the lingering annoyances and rise above them? So often I concentrate on the tests put before me by other people, society, and daily life. Today I will will concentrate on the tests I put before my self; to be the best and most creative, understanding, and thoughtful me that I can be.

What tests do you face today, or during life in general?

S is for Singing- A to Z Challenge

S is for Singing, my first love. I know, I know- you all thought reading was my first. But I could sing before I could read (even if I did start reading early). I have always been involved in some sort of singing. I was in every single choir available to me as a child. Church choirs, school choirs, musical theatre, community choirs. You name it, I have tried it. I college I even managed to get myself into the choir that was primarily music majors, while learning my town choir's music via tapes the accompanist made for me, and singing in both concerts. I even tried my hand at singing in a band, albeit briefly.

Now, those that know me in real life already know this but might not have realized the irony. I am extremely shy and introverted. I do not like to stand in front of people to talk, feel awkward with new people, hate crowds, and most days would be perfectly happy with only my family, a good book, and the internet connect to real people. People staring at me tends to freak me out, and I really do not do well in tight, crowded spaces. Then the music starts and I start singing along- no matter where I am. I just got lost in the sound, and nothing else matters other than the way it makes me feel. It soothes me, energizes me, inspires me.

Now, combine my love of singing with my dislike for being watched, and think about how auditions usually go. For years I kept trying, because I felt that if I could perform in an audition the way I do when I am in the midst of a performance or by myself I would be fine. It does not happen, I still get freaked u and shaky. So, for years I had stopped doing anything that required audition. There was no point in the community choir anyway, because the director has favorites in each section who he often just hands solos to with no auditions or ones that do not really seem to have bearing on his decision. This year, I stepped up and decided to try again. The same director still has his same favorites, but they are tired and were not auditioning for a song I loved. What happened? Well, he dragged one of the favorites into the audition, even though she said she wanted someone different to do it. The final decision was a quartet- his favorite and three of us that he generally ignores. I still feel like it is a small victory. Maybe it will be enough to make future auditions easier?

Shyness and singing might not seem to go together, but many great artists in several feels label themselves as shy or introverted. There is something about losing yourself in something you love that makes the crowd, the people around you, melt away. Is there something in your life that does this for you?

R is for Religon- A to Z Challenge

Are you shocked that my R is not for reading? I am, a little. It almost was, but I wanted to do something different than I did last year during the challenge. So, this time around my R is for Religion. Crazy topic, hard topic, varied topic. But hey, here we go...

I my mind religion is both a personal and public thing, even if you are atheist. It is personal, because everyone has a slightly different view. Even if they follow identical teaching from identical sources, because the moments of life shape and color our points of view. It is a public thing every time we share our views, have a discussion about them, worship with others, or follow or beliefs in our words and actions. No matter what happens, I think that the most important aspect of religion is the personal part, because that will color the most important part of the public side, how we treat others. I will never understand how people claim to follow a religion that includes ideas like loving your neighbor or living a loving life in general can bomb abortion clinics, wage war based of different beliefs, or simply be hateful to people because they are different. I just do not get it.

I am a practicing Lutheran (ELCA for those that know the differences) and am thrilled to be part of a congregation  that is generally welcoming and accepting of everyone. I am sure there are a few holding prejudices, but I have not seen evidence of it thus far. However, there are people from the same branch of the church with much less accepting views. I think tat every congregation, from every different church, and everyone that holds any personal beliefs at all, has slightly different takes on the whole thing. I think that is fine, everyone should think for themselves. It is the mindless following of what people hear, are told, are taught; that leads to problems. Those that fear, hate, and inspire violence in the name of religion are typically those that have never sat down and realized that they might not have all the answers, that someone else's views might be different but hold as much value as their own, that they might be the focus of someone else's misguided fear.

Over the years I have taken the time to learn about several different religions, from pagan religions to catholic ideals. The one thing you can find, at least in all of the ones that I have studied, is at least some mention for the responsibility we have towards the earth and all the living creatures we share it with. There is almost always some mention of helping those with less, and taking care of the creations around us. Even if the larger picture of the religion's teaching have every one that believe differently as heathens, they are still a part of a bigger picture, and should be treated as such. If they have different views, I have no problem with a conversation comparing, and even trying to argue that yours is more correct. But, respect them for the living and thinking being that they are, and respect that they have their own beliefs which have as much value to them as yours do to you. Before trying to convert, or damn, and individual with your words think about how you would feel if someone were trying to do the same to you. Most of all, remember that it is not our job to judge others. Regardless of religion, each individuals job is to be the best version of themselves they can be, not to condemn or condone anyone else's attempt to do the same.

So, with all this thinking done, I am going to work harder at being the best me I can. I am going to work to stop getting angry at those that want to control my actions in the name of their religion. Instead I will put my efforts into helping people maintain or gain rights that have us all with equal say. I am going to use that energy to take care of my family, and to try and make life better for those with less than myself. I am going to try harder to offer my shoulder, ear, and time to those that need it. I will try and do more good than harm to the earth and all of its creatures. All of that is easier said than done, but I can try. I can work towards being the best me I can.

What do you think?

Q is for Quest- A to Z Challenge

Q is for Quest. Is it ironic that I have been quietly questing and questioning what to write about for some of the more challenging letters (like Q) since taking on this challenge? After picking Quest, I began questioning what to write about, and decided to return to my quest to live the happiest life I can, and offer my children the same.

My quest has taken many forms in the last few years.I have ventured into freelance writing, blogging, book reviews, and increased my reading somehow. I have found, and found a way to pay for, a preschool for the kids that I trust and the kids love. They have each grown and learned so much since starting. I have changed my cooking and eating habits to offer my family the healthiest food I can. I think we have been successful since my kids prefer fruits and veggies to just about everything, except maybe bread. My husband is off all medication for diabetes, which he was diagnosed with prior to our diet changes. 

My quest has taken turns in the last two years, increasing my gardening and home made health and beauty products, which I talked about yesterday, so I will not bore you with more about that. However, I have been making efforts to grow more and more food and herbs, and doing so in green and creative ways. In turn, those quest efforts have fueled more writing, and more ideas, which in turn fuel more articles. It is a fun cycle, but one I do not always take full advantage of.

My next step in the quest to have a fulfilling life and secure the same for the rest of my family? Continuing on and seeing where it takes me. When everyone is in school full time, should be September of 2013, I can step up my endeavors to earn money while doing what I live. Perhaps more library hours, perhaps going back to school, perhaps writing more, perhaps making more candles and skin care products or jewelry to sell, or maybe it will be something new by then. Much can happen in a year and a half.

What is your current quest? Where do you think it will take you?

P is for Patience- A to Z Challenge

P is for patience, something I lack. I often am too eager to hear the end of a story, to know than answer. Too eager for my kids to get dressed, eat, or sleep. Too eager to finish getting my thoughts onto paper, or saved into the computer. Too eager to get everything done all at once, usually resulting in frustration or something going wrong. The only thing that does not leave me impatient is books, usually. I like the unfolding of the story and only skip to the end if the book is one that I am not planning to read or cannot make myself finish.

My children are the tools that are finally teaching me to master my lack of patience, and daily testers of my limits. My son speaks slowly, repeating the first part of a sentence a few times, before getting to the point he desperately wants to share. my daughter mumbles. She will talk softly into her hand, or facing the other way, or in some other manner that makes it impossible to figure out what she is saying. They both like to tell stories and make up words, making communicating all the more difficult. Although, when I actually hear all of the parts of their stories I am typically highly entertained.

I am usually the most lacking in patience for myself. My own failings leave me frustrated and readying to stop trying. But then I tell myself the same thing I find myself saying to me son. Things that are difficult take time and practice. Just like he should not give up on jump roping after five minutes, I should not give up on myself for procrastinating, or eating too much chocolate again, or taking on too much at the same time. I need to keep trying to be the best I can, and grant myself the same patience that I try to give the people around me.

What tries your patience the most? Do different things test your patience in others than in yourself?

O is for Options- A to Z Challenge

O is for options. Lately I have been pondering options, and taking steps to make the most of the opportunities those options allow me. I have the option to sit on my tush doing nothing, or reading, or writing, or crafting, or whatever (between taking care of and playing with the kids). I have been focusing on the reading and writing- but I am branching out. I am taking more time to explore my crafting options- though I am still writing and reading.

I have been experimenting with greener options for feeding my family, hair care, skin care, and cleaning products. As my garden of viable herbs and skill at creating increases, so does my drive to do more. Between experimenting with creating products for myself and writing articles about the recipes that I have been working with, an I getting set to ramp up production. So, I am stocking up on oils, wax, and other supplies to start selling on Esty and possibly in a local health food store that works with local vendors.

Every time I consider all the options, I start to get overwhelmed. There are so many herbs, flowers, and trees I have access to that smell great and have beneficial properties. There are so many ideas in my head. So, I write them down. I list my options and try to start small, but the ideas keep getting out of control, since there are so many options. Then, reality enters and I think about the little things that I need to do before getting lost in the more entertaining big things. Before creating lip balms, hand cream, candles, and such that are coming into existence around me I need to take care of practical matters like a name and labels. And again, the options multiple and need to be written down and organized. (I am thinking of a play on at least one of my kid's name in the name, but still playing with it.)

Every time I think I am out of options, or have the viable ones organized, new ones can be found. I just need to look a little harder. The harder options are to find, the more likely they are sitting right in front of me, but frustration, depression, or grief are hiding them from view.

N is for Noise- A to Z Challenge

N is for noise. On this first day of spring break for my preschoolers, I am in for a week full of noise. I am steeling myself.I am already home with them three days a week, sometimes more, so I am used to the chaos, but I enjoy the rare moments when they are at school and I am home. Every day is noisy already, and each day holds its own kinds of noise. There is the noise of trying to get everyone ready to leave the house, including the daily argument of one copying the other with their choice for breakfast.  There is the arguing over shows and snacks and games to play. Then the sounds of playing and singing and whatever .It is just constant noise of all kinds.

To fully understand the joy, you must have had small children. Mine are only 21 months apart and look like they could be twins. My son, the oldest, is five and was a late talker. Since he was with family most of the time he had no need to talk, since we often anticipated his needs. It was only when he was forced to use his words, and his younger sister started talking a mile a minute, that he finally relented and began to use his words. Now, neither ever seems to stop talking, singing, screaming, muttering, you get the idea. In some sort of cosmic revenge, my son has started making up randoms songs and singing. This is revenge because my father and uncle often entertained me when I was little by doing the very same thing.

This constant noise from my children sometimes fades into the background and barely registers. There are other moments when I cannot even think because of the overlapping chatter. Since the noise comes from my children, I cannot put in earplugs or earbuds to listen to music or an audio book- because I do need to hear the rises and lulls in conversation that signal that my full attention is required. The funny thing is that I do not function well in complete silence, I need music or the television on for background noise to get serious work done.

What are the most frequent causes of noise in your life that distract you? Do you work best with background noise, or in complete silence? How do you deal with trying to work in less than your optimal work conditions.

M is for Mistake, A to Z Challenge

M is for mistake. I am good at mistakes, I make plenty of them and always have. But, I like to think that I lear from them and find new mistakes to make. The only exception to this is spelling. I have never been good at spelling, ever. But I have learned how to recognize when I have made a spelling mistake and keep the tools to fix those mistakes handy. Spell check and a little dictionary on my desk at home work wonders. But for some reason there are words that I have misspelt a million times, and will do the same a million more. With some, I know I am spelling it wrong as I type, but continue to type. I go back and make the same corrections every time.

I make some other mistakes repeatedly, like trusting in some people to come through for me this time, or being lazy in my connections with friends and relying on electronic communication instead of paying them a visit. Some of this is optimism, some of it is my introverted tendencies keeping me in the safety of my home, and sometimes it is just me being lost n a book or my own own head. I know that these are my issues, and I work towards battling them regularly, but they seem to stick with me.

Do you have a mistake that you keep repeating? How do you try to move forward?

L is for Lost- A to Z Challenge

L is for Lost. Have you even woken up feeling lost and listless? There are days when I get up and go about doing all the things I need to do to take care of everyone else, but would much rather go back to bed. There are days when I lose interest in the books I wanted to read so badly the day before, the ideas I had been eager to write down, the crafts I had planned, and so on. These are the days that I feel lost. How do you manage those moments?

I typically will skip over the book, project, whatever, that I had planned on doing and shift gears. Instead of reading, I will write. Instead of writing I with crochet or sow. Instead of gardening I will jump in the kitchen and bake something or play with my oils to create new skin or hair care products. Sometimes none of things work and I need to try something new, like trying to learn a new skill, like knitting. On the days that the kids are home with me, rather than at school, I am often prevented from doing any of these things and let the kids pick an activity for the day (within reason of course). Often, just letting go and having fun with the kids will be enough to help me. Letter and other learning games with the kids help me the most, because we are having fun and I feel like I am accomplishing something.

There are days when looming (often self-imposed) deadlines drive me to work through the lingering feelings, but I do not trust the quality of projects finished in this state, which tends to bog me down even more. Lost and depressed I often find myself falling into the chocolate trap, which I can avoid if I pick up a project that keeps my hands busy- the real reason I learned to crochet.

Do you go through lost moments? How do you go from the land of the lost, to really feeling like you are living life to the fullest? Does reading, writing, or work help or hinder your efforts?

K is for Killing - A to Z Challenge

K is for killing, particularly killing off characters. Do you get upset when a favorite character is killed off in a book? Sometimes it is necessary for the story, to motivate other characters and to keep things moving. But there are times that I mourn for these characters as if I really knew them. Come on, fess up. You know your were upset when Dumbledore died. When the series ended, and the big picture was revealed, it was shown to be a needed moment, but one that still made me sad. There are other times when these death carry a certain satisfaction, like when the evil villain or henchman dies. And there are still other times when the killing off is so necessary that it does not even register, like the start of a mystery or moment when things go from bad to worse.

The emotions these killings in stories cause are as widely varied as how they are killed. I trust the writer to lead me where they want me to go, and know that there is a reason they take the path they do. I find that if a story can make me feel anything strongly, good or bad, that it is a story worth reading. If a character killing is part of that, well I might not accept it gracefully at first, or even necessarily agree with the choices made, but I will respect the writer for the work that they have done.

When you need to write in a death of a character, or just want one to die in your story how do you handle it? Do you worry about readers being upset, or do you relish the upset it causes?

J is for Joy- A to Z Challenge

After yesterdays post, I needed to change focus a little. So today, J is for Joy. Joy might seem allusive, if you focus only on the big moments of joy. But, joy can be found every single day. I woke up this morning, which might not seem joyful at first glance, since per usual it was far too early. However, on waking I was able to get up, get my children and myself up, dressed, and fed.

My husband, children, and I are all healthy and able to be up and moving every single day. This is cause for joy, because there are so many that are lacking the most basic things that I take for granted- like the children that wake me every morning. There are people that long for children, a partner, a family. The fights the kids have each morning about breakfast might drive me to distraction, but we have enough resources for there to be choices. Some people do not have enough to eat a breakfast at all. Never mind the discussions about lunch, snacks, and dinner. All of the minor annoyances of each day include more little things that I can find joy in, if I just take the time to see.

I greatly dislike public speaking, but today I am joining with other parents and taking my turn talking about my job at my children's school. Instead of focusing on the trepidation I have about the situation, I should recognize the joy that I can gain from the fact that I have a job to talk about in during career month. I should take joy in the fact that I have the time and capability to do this, even though it does not instantly fill me with delight. I will take a moment and enjoy the joy it will bring my son.

I bet you can find joy in today too. And I bet I will get back to books and writing themed discussions soon too. Although finishing that book that I can not seem to read until after everyone is in bed will bring me great joy this evening, even as I work to find joy in each of the distractions.

I is for Infuriating, A to Z Challenge.

I is for infuriating.  What do I find so troubling that I am writing about it in the early morning? Well, many things, but in this case it is people. Not all people, but the mob mentality and people that refuse to respect other people. I am huge on respect, lack of respect is a sure way to push my buttons and infuriate me. I respect people until they prove to me that I should not, and then I will still treat them with the respect and courtesy that I want in return. It drives me insane when people treat others badly because of their appearance, beliefs, culture, or for no reason at all.  I do not care if we look different, if we think differently, talk differently, want different things, or anything of that nature. People are people, and underneath everything we are the same. The only thing that will change my respect level for you is how you treat yourself and others. If you show me that you have no respect for others, or yourself, then I am not likely to respect you in turn, but again I will treat you they way I want to be treated. Because that is what i want, and how my parents raised me.

The current culture has me wanting to kick people, but I won't. I respect others that have strong convictions and live their own lives by them. What makes me angry is when they insist that everyone else live by them as well. Yes, there are some things everyone should follow, like not hurting other people, but the specifics of when people do in their personal lives should not be up for public debate. I do not understand why one set of beliefs should hold sway over the way others practice religion or choose not to.

I hold firm in the belief that I should treat other people with love and respect as long as it does not put anyone's well being at risk. If I believe that something will put myself or another in danger, then I will speak up and try to remove the person in danger from the situation. However, it is not my duty to judge others in their actions, beliefs, lifestyles. etc. It is my job to be the best me I can, and to love them. That means letting them live their lives, be true to themselves, and be happy. Just because our visions differ, it does not mean that their views are any less valid than my own, or anyone else's.

This is completely not where I wanted to go with this, I was set to write about cultural prejudices and got a little sidetracked. I will get back there latter this month, maybe for my P post. Because I want to mention a few books and how some people enjoy spending time looking for things to be offended by. Another day.

H is for Hope- A to Z Challenge

H is for hope. No story or even day, is complete without some level of hope. No matter how pessimistic I can be, or you might be, there is always a part of us that hopes that the worst we might be imagining does not come true. The same is true when reading a book or watching a movie. Even when everything seems to be building up to a catastrophic moment, you hope that your favorite character will come out on time, or at least survive. Sometimes it does not happen, just like in real life. But when we get to the last page, there is usually some level of hope that the future of the characters will be better, just like in real life. When we pack it in for the day, there is an innate hope that tomorrow will be a better day, even if we do not acknowledge it.

Hope is what keeps us, and the characters of any story moving forward. The hope that a solution will present itself, that a plan will work, that romance will turn out well, that a problem will be solved. Without that drive they would just sit around and complain. Granted, some characters do that to, but that was covered in my angst post on the 1st.

Have you ever reached the end of a book or movie that had an ending with no hope at all? A story that basically ended with the world over, or all the characters you cared about dead, or just with so much unresolvable that there is no way you can see for things to fix themselves? It is not comfortable moment or ending, and certainly not one I enjoying. It does have its place, and can be en effective ending to deliver a message. It is the very uncomfortable nature in the absence of hope that can make those moments or endings real to the reader.

I still prefer an ending that has a glimmer of hope, even if it is a dim hope. I like to end each day and start each morning the same way, with at least a glimmer of hope that the next moment will be better than the last. And that even when things are at there worst, there will be a moment in the future that is better.

G is for Glitter A to Z challenge

G is for glitter. Now in a blog about books, and my latest musings glitter might be a strange choice. But think about glitter. It is tiny, but can make everything sparkle. It can also make a huge mess and take forever to clean up. One glitter laden project or glitter spill can result in glitter being found through out a home or car for years, possibly longer. Emotions, ideas, inspirations, and habits can be the same way. Any of these things can alter and color your work, your very attitude for just about ever if you do not take evasive action.

Now, some of this can be good, much like controlled glitter use. The right amount can perfectly accent something and make it truly yours. It can also stay with whoever takes the time to enjoy your work or that encounters you, sending some of that glitter onwards. Your words, writing, smile, actions, work can continue on in those you encounter. Sending the thoughts and attitude you carry with you onto who ever they come in contact with next, and so on. Your creative writing or artwork can make someone think, and trigger them to talk about it or the ideas and feelings it triggered in them. A smile, or frustrated sigh, can change the mood of the next person in line, or the person waiting on you coloring the next few minutes of their lives, and the those of the people they come in contact next. So while writing a non fiction piece might not seem glitter laden, you could be helping someone achieve their own goals for the day, making them smile and passing on some positive glitter.

So use your glitter to advantage. Your sparkle can change the world, so lets all try to use it in a positive and productive manner. Unlike a small child, or two, with a shaker bottle of glitter and  glue stick run a muck.