Book Review: Serafina and the Splintered Heart (Serafina) by Robert Beatty

Serafina and the Splintered Heart is the third (and final) book in the Serafina series by Robert Beatty. Something has happened to Serafina. She has awoken into a darkness she does not understand, scarred from a terrible battle, only to find that life at Biltmore Estate has changed in unimaginable ways. Old friends do unthinkable things and enemies seem all around. A mysterious threat moves towards Biltmore, a force without a name, bringing with it violent storms and flooding that stands to uproot everything in its path. Serafina must uncover the truth about what has happened to her and find a way to harness her strange new powers before it's too late. With only days to achieve the impossible, Serafina fights to reclaim herself as the Guardian of Biltmore, friend of Braeden, daughter of her Pa, and heroine of the Blue Ridge Mountains and all the folk and creatures that call it home. 

Serafina and the Splintered Heart is an emotional and exciting read that wrapped up the adventures of Serafina and characters in and around the Biltmore beautifully. I was nervous picking the book up, that it might not meet my extremely high expectations- but I should not have feared it was beautifully done. Serafina character continued to grow and get even more complex as she faces huge challenges to save Biltmore with those she trusts- and learning to trust someone that could destroy everything. The specifics of Serafina's crisis, and the larger dangers fancing everyone in or near the Biltmore are very well done and kept me so anxious that I serious read the book in a day, because there was no point in which I felt safe walking away. I loved the role perseverance, trust, and friendship all play in the story. The character arcs and struggles they face in their own minds, and against an old enemy make this series conclusion such a must read that I am lacking the right words to recommend this book (and the entire series) enough for middle grade readers through adults. 

Serafina and the Splintered Heart is a book that I put off reading too long. I was so eager to get my hands on it because I loved the previous two books- but I was terrified that it would fall short. Thankfully, the author and his creation more than met my expectations. To make me even happier, the promise of a related series in the near future has me chomping at the bit to get my hands on everything that comes next. 

Book Review: Rewilding: Giving Nature a Second Chance by Ann Love, Jane Drake

Rewilding: Giving Nature a Second Chance by the sister writing duo of Ann Love and Jane Drake is a children's non fiction book that is currently schedule for release on October 10 2017. Rewilding is an important environmental movement to restore habitats to their natural state in order to support native species and make room for animals to move freely. In this comprehensive look at rewilding, the authors present examples from around the world where endangered animals have been rehabilitated and returned to their natural habitats. From pandas and peregrine falcons to jaguars and wolves, the story of these animals testifies to the fact that with good management, the extinction of species can be avoided. This book also relates how cities have begun to restore nature by planting everything from tiny rooftop gardens to huge parks on disused land.

Rewilding: Giving Nature a Second Chance can be a valuable resource in classrooms, for research, or for an interesting read for anyone that is interested in the environment and wildlife. It is written for a middle grade audience, but I think teens and adults can learn from it as well. I was interested to read about rewilding, and how it is becoming more popular, or at least more well known beyond the people that already try to minimize out impact of the environment. I found the information to be well organized, accessible, and interesting. I know my daughter (my personal animal expert) will be rereading some of the sections, particularly about wolf habitats since they are her current obsession. The photographs throughout the book are full color and simply stunning. I could just browse through the book to enjoy those images. 

Early Book Review: Cinderella and the Furry Slippers by Davide Cali, Raphaelle Barbanegre

Cinderella and the Furry Slippers is a picturebook written by Davide Cali and illustrated by Raphaelle Barbanegre. It is currently scheduled for release on October 10 2017.
Cinderella is dying to go to the ball. She's seen pictures of the fancy castle and the handsome prince, she's heard the fairy tales about true love, she's found the perfect dress in Princess magazine and she's even found an ad for a Fairy Godmother. She's all set. Except the fairy godmother doesn't look like the one in the ad. And the castle doesn't look like the picture. And the prince well, Cinderella decides her fairy-tale ending is going to look different--and be a whole lot more fun.

Cinderella and the Furry Slippers is a fun take on the Cinderella story, and shows kids that getting what you want is not always the answer. Cinderella wants to go to the ball and dance with the prince, but nothing goes quite like she expects. Furry slippers and a less than ideal prince show her that the grass is not always greener. I liked Cinderella's willingness to change things up when they do not go as planned, and the way the fractured fairy tale changes the story. It was fun and entertaining. The artwork was a little cartoony for my preferences, but I think it matches the story and many will love this read. 

Book Review: Bonnie and the Beast by Alexa Black

Bonnie and the Beast by Alexa Black is very short, I would call it a short story rather than even a novella. The Beast's castle has been lonely since an angry sorceress cursed her years ago, and resigned herself to it a long time ago. But now a woman has promised to brave the curse, and for the first time in too many years the Beast has someone to talk to—and perhaps even break the curse. But tricking people into visiting your castle isn't how you find a soulmate. And looking stranger than a werewolf doesn't help.

Bonnie and the Beast is at a bit of short erotica. The Beast is waiting for a promised girl to come to her castle and make the attempt to break a curse. I still have no idea what the beast looks like and could not even hazard a guess because five eyes and some serious claws and teeth? I felt like there was room for a bit of character growth, or at least some insight into them. There was a little bit of information on each through the story, but not enough to let me care about either. It seemed like it was an excuse to write a sex scene between a curvy girl and a female something rather than a story. I was annoyed at the length, and at the lack of character depth. A bit more story would have been appreciated but this might just be what someone else is looking for. 

Book Review: The Crooked Sixpence (The Uncommoners) by Jennifer Bell, Karl James Mountford

The Crooked Sixpence is the first book in The Uncommoners series written by Jennifer Bell and illustrated by Karl James Mountford. When their grandmother Sylvie is rushed to the hospital, Ivy Sparrow and her annoying big brother Seb cannot imagine what adventure lies in store. Soon their house is ransacked by unknown intruders, and a very strange policeman turns up on the scene, determined to apprehend them, with a toilet brush. Ivy and Seb make their escape only to find themselves in a completely uncommon world, a secret underground city called Lundinor where ordinary objects have amazing powers. There are belts that enable the wearer to fly, yo-yos that turn into weapons, buttons with healing properties, and other enchanted objects capable of very unusual feats. But the forces of evil are closing in fast, and when Ivy and Seb learn that their family is connected to one of the greatest uncommon treasures of all time, they must race to unearth the treasure and get to the bottom of a family secret before it’s too late.

The Crooked Sixpence is a fantasy coming of age story with great middle grade characters and compelling world. While the idea of object holding magic and family secrets about magic, are not new ideas, I think the characters and action made the concepts fresh and exciting. The caring and grit Ivy has made me happy. I love seeing girl characters using both compassion and intelligence to save the day rather than one or the other. The family relationships and secret were well done, although more could have been done with Ivy and Seb. I found that they went from the typical siblings that annoy or ignore each other to perfect team without really addressing anything or even noticing. I did think that the mistrust of those they met in Lundinor, and the coming understanding and acceptance of the way it works was very well done. I enjoyed the world building and character development, and I would love to learn more about the creatures and object that populate the realm. 

The Crooked Sixpence is one that I had a had a couple false starts with, only because it was not what I was in the mood to read the first couple times I picked it up. Once I actually get reading past the first couple pages I was completely engaged. I enjoyed the characters, the story, and the world. I look forward to seeing more from this series.

Book Review: Her Dark Half (X-Ops) by Paige Tyler

Her Dark Half is the seventh book in the X-Ops series by Paige Tyler. While there are parts of the story that you can only fully enjoy if you know the bigger picture, this romance can be enjoyed on its own as well. 

Trevor Maxwell is a coyote shifter with an attitude, a covert operator, and trusts no one, especially his devastatingly beautiful new partner. Alina Bosch is former CIA, the newest operative on the covert team, and hired to spy on her partner. They are teamed up to catch a killer. But when the mission becomes much more dangerous than they expected, they're going to have to ignore the attraction between them and learn how to trust one another to come out on the other side. 

Her Dark Half does a good just of looking at trust issues and partners. Trevor and Alina both have good reasons not to trust easily, and I think that part of the story, and their developing relationship is well done. However, somehow I just never really connected with either of them, and was more interested in the large corruption plot and the other relationships that were touched on in the story (Tanner's in particular). I did like that many of my questions about who did what were answered, and while some twists and turns were exceptional, I felt like others were just too easy. I think I might be done with this series, but I will admit wanting to know the outcome of some of the pairing I know will happen, but have not yet.

Her Dark Half is a good continuation to the larger story arch, which I was glad to see some serious movement on. However, I was not as engaged with the characters as I have been in previous books, and this is by no means the end of the series.I felt like it might have closed the book on part of the story, but there is a whole new angle for the series to continue on with. 

Book Review: The Impending Possession of Scarlet Wakebridge-Rosé by S.L. Saboviec

The Impending Possession of Scarlet Wakebridge-Rosé  by S.L. Saboviec is a stand alone novel set in the same world as the Fallen Redemtion series (which I have not read).  

Scarlet Wakebridge-Rosé, busy executive and less-than-stellar mother and wife, has a problem that only an exorcist can solve. Except she’s not precisely a devout Catholic parishioner any longer, and to gain assistance from the Church means telling a whopping lie of omission. Fortunately, she discovers Father Angelo Ambrosio, whose commitment to helping the afflicted means he’s willing to overlook the things Scarlet prefers to keep hidden. Unfortunately, his sordid past keeps him under a microscope with the bishop, who’s not so liberal in his views. But the demon harassing Scarlet is relentless. It makes its motives clear: in a previous life, she struck a bargain, promising it her body on her fiftieth birthday. Now, she and Angelo must unravel the mystery surrounding her forgotten past in order to stop the possession by next week or risk losing her to the depths of Hell forever.

The Impending Possession of Scarlet Wakebridge-Rosé  is a story with an interesting premise and a diverse, if not slightly twisted, cast of characters. It is a supernatural thriller that also deals with homophobia and the related issues in the church, and society in general. I liked that no one seemed to be written as a token character to fit the desire to be diverse, they just happened to be who they were. That is not always how the characters seem, but it did play completely organic which I liked. Scarlet was a well written character, and while her stubborn nature is key to the story, she frustrated me on several occasions as well. Although I have to admit that Father Angelo and Zoe were my favorite characters in the book, much more so than Scarlet. I found Zoe's voice to be much stronger and more engaging than Scarlet's, and I thought Angelo's character was very compelling and I was much more engaged with his well being than Scarlet's.

The Impending Possession of Scarlet Wakebridge-Rosé  just did not grab me. Perhaps if I had read the related series I would have enjoyed it more, or maybe my reading style and the author's writing style do not compliment each other. However, I can think of so many readers that would enjoy this read and that I would happily recommend it to.

Early Book Review: Cast No Shadow by Nick Tapalansky, Anissa Espinosa

Cast No Shadow is a graphic novel written by Nick Tapalansky and illustrated by Anissa Espinosa. It is currently scheduled for release on October 10 2017. Greg has lived in Lancaster his whole life. The town's always had its quirks, and being born without a shadow means he's counted among them. When Greg discovers an old mansion in the woods just outside of town, he didn't expect to meet a smart, beautiful, funny, and dead teenaged girl named Eleanor. Yeah. He's in love with a ghost. And before he knows what's happening, Greg finds himself at the wrong end of a history lesson when the town's past, and his own, threaten to pull the two of them apart permanently.

Cast No Shadow is an engaging graphic novel. I enjoyed the unusual lack of a shadow from our main character, and the story that stemmed from that. I really liked how that played out. I also liked that Greg faces some realistic family issues, and complicated friendships. His imperfect life made his emotions and the trouble he faced that much more real and relatable as a reader. While there is a romance involved, I also liked that his best friend is a girl and the idea of girls as more than a romantic interest is clear. Although, the fact that she has her own romance negates that a little bit, her clear personality and utter lack of fitting the 'girl best friend' stereotype did help a little. I like that the town and most of its inhabitants are a little odd, and the story is unexpected in many ways. I thought the art did a wonderful job of bringing the story to life, adding details and little bits of information that made the read even more enjoyable. The combination of heart felt emotion and facing real life struggles of family and friend relationships along-side the paranormal aspects and humor struck a chord with me.

Cast No Shadow is a graphic novel with a unique twist to teen romance. I enjoyed the art and the story and think that many readers from middle grade on up through adults will enjoy the read.

Early Book Review: Tobor by Guido van Genechten

Tobor is a picturebook by Guido van Genechten that is currently scheduled for publication on October 11 2017.  Ben receives a very special present for his fifth birthday. Unlike Ben's stuffed animals who can't move on their own or talk, Tobor is different; with a press of his square nose, Tobor comes alive, suggesting and playing games, talking and asking questions and soon he becomes Ben's best friend. Sometimes friendship develops where you least expect it.

Tobor is a delightful picturebook with artwork that captured my attention right away. Ben plays with and interacts with his stuffed animals the way many imaginative children do, as if they are alive. However, when he is gifted with Tobor- a toy that can actually talk and play rather than one that can only do these things in his imagination, he is as obsessed as anyone would expect a child to be. I loved the adventures and interaction the pair have. I liked that Ben got tired of Tobor's constant desire to play. More than anything, I liked that Ben came to see that a toy that walks and talks is great, he also sees the importance and fun that can be found with a little more variety. I think could be a good classroom or family discussion starter about new friends and how different people play different ways, and that we can all come together and find a happy medium. 

Book Review: His Alone (For Her) by Alexa Riley

His Alone is the second book in the For Her series by Alexa Riley. The first book was Everything for Her, which I did not read. While having read the first book will give you a better insight on the characters and their connections, I was able to fully enjoy the read.

Ryan Justice may be her boss, but nothing will stop him from making her his. Paige Turner is trying to outrun her past, but there it is, tossed back in her face anytime she manages to get two steps ahead. Her need for Ryan got in the way of revenge, took her off course. Redirected her focus. Before she knew it, he'd made his way into her life. Into her heart. True love doesn't let secrets as big as these stay buried. And when the truth about Paige's father is finally exposed, Ryan will do anything to fix everything. Paige has always been his and his alone.

His Alone is a contemporary romance, with an over the top alpha male ready to do anything for the woman he cares about, even when she has no idea he feels that way. Yes, a little stalkerish- but somehow Riley makes that work in this series. I liked that Paige is aware that his possessiveness should bother her, but since she has the same reactions to him I would call that even. The book starts with the pair already at a low simmer, and it does not take long for the pair to catch fire. The physical obsession is similar to the paranormal romances where 'mates' find each other and then cannot keep their hands to themselves. I did like that there was some danger and reveal with Paige's history, and that love is the answer to everything. However, the stalker style is not romantic to me, although entertaining for a weekend read. My only other issue several epilogues and a bonus scene. I love getting a little extra, but every time I thought I was done and could go wash dishes or something I discovered another two pages that I could not leave unread.

His Alone is the perfect read for those looking for a hot read, and that enjoy the controlling male leads. If you liked the first book, which is described fairly well in this installment, then I expect that you will enjoy this one as well.