Showing posts with label read aloud book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label read aloud book. Show all posts

March 20th is a Big Day!

Not only is March 20th the first day of Spring (thank goodness!) it is also the birthday of three great children's authors! Bill Martin Jr, Lois Lowry, and Louis Sachar. I think we should celebrate by reading or listening to the work of these great authors while thinking about Spring and warmer weather.. Are you in?

Bill Martin Jr has some great choices for the youngest readers!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Here Are My Hands 

The Bill Martin Jr Big Book of Poetry 

Ten Little Caterpillars 

Chicka Chicka ABC

Louis Sachar is great reading for silly fun or more serious moments.

Wayside School Boxed Set 


There's A Boy in the Girls' Bathroom 

Small Steps 

Kidnapped At Birth? 

Lois Lowry is for a more mature set.

The Giver Quartet 

The Silent Boy

Autumn Street 

Number the Stars 

A Summer to Die 

Do you have a favorite from one of these authors that I did not list? Share your favorite in the comments!

Early Book Review: Ready, Set, Kindergarten by Paula Ayer and Danielle Arbour

Ready, Set, Kindergarten is a picturebook by Paula Ayer and Danielle Arbour which is currently schedule for release on March 2 2015. This charming tale of a little girl’s experience touches on the many milestones children concur while getting ready and going to school for the first time. The child can count out plates when she helps Dad set the table, call out letters when she walks with Mom, and help her stuffed animals say sorry after they fight. With a little help from Mom, Dad, her cat, and faithful toy mouse, she’s now ready for her new adventure, kindergarten!

Ready, Set, Kindergarten is a picturebook great for families approaching the milestone of kindergarten. It uses clear, simple language and pictures that are colorful and still somehow soothing. It reaches out to parents that might be worried their child is not ready with some things they can do with their child to get them ready, and helps show children that kindergarten is safe, fun, and a great place for learning.

I would recommend Ready, Set, Kindergarten to any family with parents or children worried about being ready for kindergarten. I think it would also be good for use in preschools and day care centers as the children in their care get ready to face kindergarten as well. 

Book Review: Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age by David Zeltser

Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age is a middle grade novel by David Zeltser. Lug is a caveboy who would rather paint than hit other people or animals with rocks. When Lug and another caveboy are banished for failing to catch a jungle llama, he thinks he is alone. Soon Lug finds others who believe in him; his clanmate Stony and a new friend, Echo, a girl from a rival clan who can talk to animals and just may be prehistory's first vegetarian/animal rights activist. Together they face even bigger challenges. Lug discovers the Ice Age is coming and he has to bring the warring clans together to save them not only from the freeze but also from a particularly unpleasant migrating pride of saber-toothed tigers.

Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age is a wild ride, with social commentary on the side. In a world where hitting someone in the head with a rock is the height of social discourse. Everyone needs to follow the rules of the ‘Big Man’ who leads their tribe or risk death or banishment. Lug had to hide his love of art, since brute force is the only thing that gained acceptance, he is bullied and an outsider even before being banished. Failing to capture a jungle llama for a competition against another clan was the trigger to get him banished, but even before that he really did not fit in. Lug is a thinker, dealing with bullies and being different. In his journey with Stony after being banished he discovers that his differences are not necessarily bad. His observations and art are what make him special, just like the odd things about his new friends are in truth their strengths. So while readers are entertained by kids fighting for survival and humor winding its way through the tale, they also get encouragement to be themselves and follow their own convictions. 

Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age is a great survival tale, full of adventure and humor. There is also a great deal about coming of age and being treat yourself. I think readers with a variety of interests will greatly appreciate the book, and come away from it both excited and feeling ready to face their own challenges. 

Great Potty Training Books to Share Read Along with Your Toddler

Potty Training can be a trying time, but there is no need to do it without some great books to read together and have some laughs along the way. Here are some books to buy or borrow and enjoy. 

Even Firefighters Go To The Potty by Wendy Wax was a big hit with my son. He had reached the point where he knew what he had to do, what we wanted him to do, but simply didn't want to stop doing whatever he was doing to take a potty break. This fun book with lifting flaps showed him that everyone needed to take breaks during the day to use the potty even firefighters, police officers, teachers and baseball payers. Therefore, it would be okay for him to take breaks too. 

The Gas We Pass: The Story of Farts by Shinta Cho is a laugh inducing book from the title alone. However the book gives some information along side the chuckles, the whys and hows of gas are explained. Expect laughter and silly noises, but toddlers simply love this book. Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi is another informative but laughter inducing book to share. 

Once Upon A Potty by Alona Frankel is available in both girl and boy versions, I have linked to the boy version since that is the one I have actually read. It is a very basic potty training book for toddlers, giving them the essentials of what they need to know and do. In a similar vein is My Big Boy Potty by Joanne Cole and The Potty Book by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, both of which are also available if girl or boy editions.

If your child is a big Sesame Street fan, you might want to pick up Too Big For Diapers, which makes potty instruction simple and easy. We follow Ernie as he ditches the diapers and learns to use the big boy potty all by himself. If this seems to be something that might be a hit in your house then Sesame Beginnings: Potty Time gives you the same lessons with baby Grover.

Finally yet importantly is A Potty For Me by Karen Katz. This book is interactive with flaps to lift and occupy your toddler as they sit and you wait for nature to take its course. This book is also good for toddlers that are not quite ready to use the potty to introduce the concept and basic practicalities of using the potty.

There are a large number of potty books out there, and these are some that were received well in my house, your child might rather watch videos or read a different selection of books. I think these are universally helpful and enjoyable by both parents and toddlers.

Early Book Review: Shaun the Sheep: The Flock Factor by Martin Howard and Andy Janes

Shaun the Sheep: The Flock Factor is a chapter book from the Tales from Mossy Bottom Farm series by Martin Howard and Andy Janes. It is currently scheduled for release on November 25, 2014. It’s talent-show time on the farm, and the roosters and chickens are banding together in hopes of beating out their rivals, the sheep. Meanwhile, Shirley, a sheep whose flair for singing is as large as her frame, has a big problem; a massive case of stage fright. Can Shaun the sheep convince his jittery friend to wow the mole judges and take home the prize?

Anyone that has watched the claymation movies or shows from the makers of Wallace & Grommet, Shaun the Sheep, or even Timmy Time for the youngest readers, will recognize the setting and humor found in Shaun the Sheep: The Flock Factor.  Shaun is the smarter than average sheep, who thinks and plots constantly, sometimes with the help or hindrance of the farmer’s dog and other barnyard animals. In this story, Shaun and the sheep have challenged the chickens in a talent contest, and frankly it does not look good for the sheep. Mad cap mishaps and Shaun looking out for his fellow sheep make the story move along and readers laugh and enjoy the ride. The humor is multi layered, making it a fun read for new readers all the way to adults. 

I would recommend Shaun the Sheep: The Flock Factor to readers of all ages, particularly those that enjoy British humor and shows like Wallace & Grommet, Shaun the Sheep, or even Timmy Time.

10 Children's Picture Books You Must Read, Even If You Don't Have Children

My childhood is filled with memories of books. Being read to, reading on my own, and by the time I was nine or ten reading under the covers with a flashlight so I wouldn't get into trouble for staying up late. To nurture a love of books to last we need to introduce great books at every stage of reading development. Not just fun books, and not just books that teach us lessons. We need both, and if we can combine the two that is even better. Here are ten picture books that I think ever child, and adult, needs to read at least once.

Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendack is a classic favorite. Max climbs into his wolf suit and gets himself into trouble. After he is sent to his room a jungle grows up around him and he enters the world were the wild things roam. The monster are huge and mismatched, but their actions and big eyes keep them from being truly frightening for children. The book speaks to both children and adults and helps each understand the other a bit better.

Strega Nona by Tomie De Paola is a retelling of an Italian folktale. Strega Nona is a grandmother witch with a magic pasta pot. As expected someone=e tries to use the pot when Strega Nona is not there, and it goes hysterically wrong. Similar to The sorcerer's apprentice in the lesson of not messing around with things you do not fully understand, do not have permission to handle or simply try to take shortcuts for selfish reasons. 

Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst show us that everyone has bad days, and helps us laugh and put ours into perspective. Poor Alexander is having a rough day. Gum in his hair, lunch without dessert, a trip to the dentist and worst of all having to watch kissing on television. Its all enough to make anyone want to more to Australia, especially young Alexander.

Harold And The Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson is a great book for showing adults and children just how far our imaginations can take up=s if we let it. Harold and his crayon creates his own path, a landscape, and world to explore. We see the power of art and creativity all stemming from one boy's imagination. What better way to encourage art, writing, any creative process than to remind yourself and introduce your child to the wonders that we can each create.

Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter is a cautionary tale about listening to your mother, but is still not stale after all these years. Directly disobeying orders to stay out of the garden Peter can not help himself, and gets himself in quite the mess because of it. The realism and truth of this book is much better, in my opinion, then some of the more white washed tales given to our children today.

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein is a fantastic tale of unconditional love. Simple illustrations are the perfect mirror to the story. A tree loves a boy who befriends him and proceeds to give the boy literally everything of itself over the years as the boy grows up and his needs change. The tree requires nothing other than knowing that it is helping, and is happy to finally give the boy grown into an old man a place to sit when that is all it has left to give.

Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss is a tale of nurturing and love of all life, no matter how insignificant it might seem. Dear Horton hears a cry for help from a speak of dust and does everything in his power to help whoever made that cry because "a person's a person, no matter how small".

The True Story of Three Little Pigs by Jon Sciesz tells the classic fairy tale from a different point of view. The wolf claims to have simply been looking for some sugar to make his granny a cake. Is he really to blame if his sneezes could blow down a house? Would it have been better if he had just let food go to waste? A great book to encourage everyone to think about the other side of every story. 

The Monster At The End Of This Book by Jon Stone is a strong favorite in my house. Poor Grover is terrified of seeing the monster at the end of the book, because he doesn't know quite what to expect. He tries everything he can to stop the reader from turning pages, but fails. Feeling foolish he discovers that he is the monster at the end of the book and there was nothing to fear.
No, David! by David Shannon follows the mischievous adventures of David. We see young David cause all kinds of trouble, breaking things, flooding the bathroom, coloring on the walls as Mom desperately pleads with find from off the page. However at the end of the day we see him assured that no matter what he is loved.

There are so many great children's books out there, these are just ten of my favorite picture books. For more suggestions pay a visit to your local library and spend some time in the children's room or talking to the children's librarian. You will be glad you did.

Book Review: The Magician's Fire by Simon Nicholson

The Magician's Fire is the first book in the Young Houdini series by Simon Nicholson. Manhattan was a tough place for kids in 1886, especially when you are alone or feel that you are. Young Houdini spends his days practicing magic tricks with his two best friends, Arthur and Billie. At least when he is not making enough money to pay for his room and to eat. But when Harry's magical mentor, Herbie, disappears after a performance at the theater, the three friends band together, determined to rescue the beloved magician. With nothing more than a mysterious puff of purple smoke, an ominous threat, and a menacing Bulgarian for evidence, Harry, Arthur, and Billie embark on a dangerously thrilling investigation that pushes their skill, and friendship, to the limits. Can Harry find Herbie and learn what it means to be a true friend before it's too late? 

The Magician’s Fire is an action packed mystery for the middle grade set. Harry is a shoeshine boy with a keen eye for magic and fine details. Billie works in a glue factory, and is very street smart and practical. Arthur has a father that pretty much ignores him, and has emerged himself in books, making him very smart and a great researcher. Together they make a fabulous team for creating and pulling of new magic stunts and for solving mysteries. However, astray search for Herbie and face the dangers of that mystery, they also face issues of trust and friendship. The combination makes for a great read, full of action and puzzling out who the culprit is and how the friends will come together to save the day. 

I would highly recommend The Magician’s Fire to all middle grade readers because there is a little something for everyone. It is historical fiction, mystery, action adventure, coming of age and magical read.  

Book Review: The Case of the Stolen Sixpence (The Mysteries of Maisie Hitchins) by Holly Webband Marion Lindsay

The Case of the Stolen Sixpence (The Mysteries of Maisie Hitchins) by Holly Webb and Marion Lindsay is a children’s chapter book in the tradition of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries. Maisie Hitchins is twelve years old, and is fascinated with detecting. She takes the time to notice things, which leads her to believe that she would be a great detective if she only had the chance. However, she spends most of her time helping her grandmother run a boarding house and running related errands. When Maisie has the chance to solve the mystery of who would toss a puppy into a canal and who has been stealing money from the nearby butcher shop she is on the case!

The Case of the Stolen Sixpence is the great start to a series. While introducing a varied cast of characters, it never felt like the characters were being explained only to set up the rest of the series, which sometimes happens. Maisie is a smart, well intentioned girl with an eye for detail. Her actions occasionally have less than wonderful consequences, but she is a character that steps up and tries to right any wrong, especially those that she has had a hand in. I really liked her spunk, honest, and willingness to look for the truth even if she might not like the answer. The black and white illustrations compliment the action and mood of the story and its characters perfectly. The action is fast and the book holds many surprises and quirks to keep readers turning the pages. 

The Case of the Stolen Sixpence is a delightful mystery complete with tricks, disguises, danger, and a little dog too! Readers that like action and mystery will dive into this book and might not come up for air right away.