Early Book Review: Never Underestimate a Hermit Crab by Daniel Sean Kaye

Never Underestimate a Hermit Crab is a delightful picturebook by Daniel Sean Kaye, and is scheduled for release on March 18th 2014. You might think that hermit crabs are among the most dull and boring pets. However, you should know that behind those shells, there are adventurous astronauts, disco-dancing dynamos, and critters that just love being stylish. Take a quick peek into the secret lives of hermit crabs and you will find a lot more than you'd imagine!

Never Underestimate a Hermit Crab is a picturebook that surprised me. When I looked at the black and white over I did not have high hopes, however the illustrations inside were charming and sometimes quite funny. I loved the idea of hermit crabs being aspiring astronauts and martial artists. The connection between boring looking hermit crabs and their interesting lives to the children that could be reading or listening to the story makes the story even more impressive to me. The book is fairly simple, but that is a part of its charm. I really enjoyed this book, and think that children that read or hear this book will be begging for a new pet in short order.

I highly recommend Never Underestimate a Hermit Crab for public library, school, and personal libraries. Te book is charming and includes a care guide for hermit crabs at the end, which will come in handy when they reading of this book inspires the young readers to request a new pet. I think the book will particularly appeal to animal lovers, and has the added bonus of reminding children that people are like hermit crabs, regardless of how we look there is infinite possibilities in each and every one of us.

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