No Pirates Allowed Said Library Lou was a funny read about a pirate and his parrot being everything children expect a pirate to be; loud, stinky, and in search of treasure. However, bursting into a library shouting and smelling a little ripe is not the best way to get quick answers. Library Lou uses her promise to help Pirate Pete find his treasure to get him to bathe, teach him to read, and intro
duce him to the wonder of books. It does not take Pete too long to realize that the library and its contents are a treasure without measure. The illustrations are colorful and bright, showing the details of Pete's lackings and Lou's complete calm perfectly.
As a librarian and a fan of pirates, there was no way I could not read No Pirates Allowed Said Library Lou. This book did not disappoint! I would highly recommend it for personal, library. and school collections. It could be a great discussion starter on library etiquette. I loved Lou's unflappable personality and the discovery that books are the best treasure of all.
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