Wolf's-own: Ghost is the first book in a series. My feelings are torn on how to talk about this book. Let me start with saying that I will definitely be reading the next book, Wolf's-own: Weregild. Now down to the nitty gritty. When I started the book I seriously felt like there must have been a book before Ghost, the world was built and solid but I felt like I did not know the world. Even after having finished the book, I am not sure that I have the full feel of the world, the gods within it, and the languages. Then there were all the flash backs and changes in point of view, which raised my frustration level a little more. However, the characters really captured my attention and drew me in completely.
Sadly, just when I thought I had a full grasp on all the players and the full scope of what was happening, the book ended. This left me with a bit of cliff hanger anger, but I still will follow through and keep reading. The characters are quirky and fun. Malick's team is a strange family unit, which really interested me. Each team member had their own issues, and own stories to tell, which I enjoyed. The relationship between Malick and Fen progressed perfectly and kept me reading. I am looking forward to seeing where all the set up found in Ghost takes readers.
I recommend Ghost to fans of fantasy. The love story that is told through this book, and hopefully through the series is just about perfect. However, readers that would be offended by romance that does not fit the traditional man/woman relationship should skip this series. The characters are very sure of their sexuality and there is no big deal made of homo or heterosexual relationship. It is written as just part of life, as it should be rather than a point of contention.
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