M is for moist

M is for moist, because the rain right now is insane! I am glad that the rain is watering my tomatoes, however I do not want my green beans to rot away in the soil. We definitely needed rain, but a day or two would have been fine. The rain started on Sunday and has been predicted to last through Thursday, maybe longer. I should not complain, at least there have been tornadoes, earthquakes, or other huge ecological crises. but, I am still tired of the damp. I have so much to be thankful for, but when the sun has been hiding for days, and promises to do so for more then the mood is low.

I want Saturday... now! If the weather predictions are true (ha!) we should have hot, sunny weather by the weekend. I really can not stand much longer of being trapped inside by inessential downpours and the difficulties of taking two toddlers anywhere in inclement weather. I am done whining about the moist weather now, and am officially back on track for the Z to A challenge. Hurray!

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