Picturebook Review: The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas

The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas, written by Tony Wilson and Illustrated by Sue deGannero, is a great story about Prince Henrik looking for a princess. He did not want the typical, sensitive princess like his brother's wife Eva who is sensitive about everything. Henrick wanted a girl who liked camping, and hockey. Looks did not matter, he just wanted someone that liked the same things he did, and who he could have fun spending time with. So, Henrick came up with a plan. Instead of the traditional pea test, one pea under twenty mattresses, Henrick put a whole bag of frozen peas under a thin camping mattress. Then Henrick's friend Pippa comes to visit, and he notices that she just might be the girl for him, imperfect teeth and love of the outdoors She passes his test with flying colors. Henrick and Pippa are both thrilled and ready to go camping.

I loved the message of The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas, that to be a princess it is not necessary to act like a traditional princess. It is more important to be yourself, to make the very best of our situations, and be happy then to be 'sensitive'. I have met many a princess that feels the need to complain about every bothersome thing, and like Henrick, I do not want to spend my time with them. I would much rather spend my time with people that like doing things and making the best of what they encounter rather than complaining about everything.

The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas sends a great message, that a positive personality is more important than looks and being a 'real' princess. As a person that spend most of her childhood climbing trees, and with a little girl of her own with similar tastes, it is gratifying to see a book that does not encourage girls to be the perfect Disney princess, but rather a fun and friendly person. My kids both enjoyed the story, and a copy will be making its way into our permanent collection.

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