
Audiobook Review: Haunted in America: True Ghost Stories From The Best of Leslie Rule Collection by Leslie Rule, Narrated by Lisa Flanagan

Haunted in America: True Ghost Stories From The Best of Leslie Rule Collection by Leslie Rule, narrated by Lisa Flanagan, is a compendium of the best of Leslie Rule’s ghost explorations and interviews. With the most-spine tingling stories from the author’s previous four books, Coast to Coast GhostsWhen the Ghost ScreamsGhosts Among Us, and Ghost in the Mirror, along with new and updated accounts and theories, Rule brings her original voice to this omnibus of chilling, fascinating tales.
Haunted in America is an interesting listen for believers and skeptics alike. I liked that while there are plenty of tales of encounters, some spooky and others hopeful, there was great importance placed on respect for the current owners of these locations, the people that have had the experiences, the souls of those that might be trying to communicate, and the families that are left behind. I thought that the focus on history, research, and respect was a bit gratifying and quite the change from attitude many ghost researchers and hunters seem to have in the field, and the way media presents it. I thought that the narrator did a great job of telling the stories with the respect and solemnity due the subject matter- especially when relating the details of tragedies and death that often come hand in hand with tales of hauntings. I did not always agree with the authors take of certain situations and stories, but I did appreciate the honest and well researched relating of both her experiences and those she discovered in interviews and through research. 

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