
Early Book Review: Built by Animals: Meet the Creatures who Inspire our Homes and Cities by Christiane Dorion, Yeji Yun

Built by Animals: Meet the Creatures who Inspire our Homes and Cities, written by Christiane Dorion and illustrated by Yeli Yun, is currently scheduled for release on May 3 2022. Meet the animals behind the most amazing building tech, brought to life by Yeji Yun and expertly explained by WWF educator Christiane Dorion. This book dives into the world of biomimicry and answers questions like: How can we use more solar energy to power our homes? How can we grow plants in the desert? How can we pump water to the top of very tall buildings?How can we clean polluted rivers? From the bee’s honeycomb shape that strengthens structures to termites’ that build their nests with natural air con, these creatures did it first! And, at the end of the book, find out who wins big at the Animal Builder Awards! Will it be the prairie dog, the peacock, the beaver, or the firefly?

Built by Animals is an educational and entertaining read. I thought the illustrations were absolutely charming and did a great job of holding the reader's interest while helping to clarify the text on each page. It is worth giving the book a look through just to fully appreciate the skill in the illustrations before or after reading the book as a whole. I thought the information shared in this book was well chosen, and I liked the way it tied in the animal's hard work to the efforts some people have been making to make more sustainable or efficient things based on the skills found in nature.I thought the variety of creatures included, and that plants got their mention as well.  I loved the creativity and thought that has obviously gone into this book, and think it is a valuable read for interested readers. I think it would be an asset to classroom, school, and public libraries as well as the personal collection for young readers. 

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