
Book Review: A Tangle of Brungles by Shobha Viswanath, Culpeo Fox

A Tangle of Brungles is a children's book written by Shobha Viswanath and illutrated by Culpeo Fox. To summon the handsome Mr. Brungle, a coven of witches stir up the great brungle stew. A lounge of lizards, a mischief of mice and a quiver of cobras are just a few ingredients they toss in to create this terrible broth. But does Mr. Brungle appear? The book is a humorous introduction to some collective nouns.

A Tangle of Brungles is a visually impressive book. The illustrations are bright, bold, and teaming with detail. The texts flows nicely, telling the story of witches looking for love, and naming a variety of collective nouns in the process. I think it was well done although I have to admit some of the rhymes did not work for me, like broth and north. However, overall I liked the flow and the voice in the text. I thought the ending was a fun surprise as well. I have looked up more than a few collective nouns over the years, out of curiosity, and still learned a few new ones in this book. With the sneaking leaning and entertaining  text I enjoyed the read very much, but still found the artwork to be my favorite part. I would gladly study the illustrations over and over again and suspect it will be a long time before I stop noticing new things on each page.

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