
Early Book Review: A Potato on a Bike by Elise Gravel

A Potato on a Bike by Elise Gravel is a board book currently scheduled for release on October 8 2019. The text's repeated asking Have you ever seen…? preceding the refrain No way! will have toddlers yelling "No way!" themselves as you read through these silly situations. Celebrated artist Elise Gravel brings the silly to a new level in A Potato on a Bike, because really, has anyone ever seen a broccoli counting to ten or a sausage reading a book? But wait, how about being tickled?! Uh-oh, I think the answer for that is—yes way!

A Potato on a Bike is a book I read because of the Gravel name. I had yet to be disappointed by her work. The illustrations are as cute as I expected, and the text was silly and nonsensical. Since it is a board book it is intended to be silly and simple for the youngest of readers, but I have to admit that I was kind of hoping for something more just because Gravel usually blows me away. It is a collection of silly situations that no one has ever seen, followed by one that most of us have. Simple, cute, and fun but no quirky twist or fact to tie it all together for me- although it would be the great precursor to some tickling.

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