
Early Book Review: Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo: The Monster Mall by Drew Weing

Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo: The Monster Mall by Drew Weing is a children's graphic novel currently scheduled for release on September 11 2018. It is the second book in a series, but I have not read the first. I feel like I caught on to the story pretty quickly, and think that while those that are reading in order will get more out of the series, newcomers will be able to enjoy the story as well.
Charles Thompson meets a lot of monsters in his line of work. While assisting Margo Maloo on her assignments, he’s had close encounters with trolls, ghosts, imps, and ogres. And lately, they’re all saying the same thing: living in Echo City is getting harder. As the human population of the city is grows, monsters are being forced to abandon their homes. Teenagers are creeping into their territory, smartphones in hand, eager to photograph paranormal activity. Some monsters are tired of hiding and ready to fight. How can Margo and Charles keep Echo City’s monster community a secret, when it’s teetering in the brink of war?

The Monster Mall is a monster story with a twist. The monsters' very existence is in danger as teenagers,  modern world of technology, and progress creeps into all the places they used to live and hide. Margo teams up with Thompson to inform kids about monsters and to save both people and monsters from a war that would impact everyone negatively. 

The Monster Mall is not quite all I hoped for. I liked the concept, kid trying to solve the monster and human issues and keep everyone safe in her own creepy and mysterious ways. Almost goofy, a little naive friend trying to do his part and still a little excited by the whole thing. While that was good, and the introductions to imps, vampires, and some of the other monsters hidden almost in plain sight, with impending crisis, is well done I was hoping for more. No part of this story really gets a conclusion, it is all just building towards something bigger. While I get that this is part of a series, there should still be some small resolutions to make the reader feel like the issue has a complete story, even with larger story arches still looming. I really liked what was here- but I want more rather than just teasers about what will come in later issues. 

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