
Book Review: Dictionary of Gypsy Mythology: Charms, Rites, and Magical Traditions of the Roma by Claude Lecouteux, Jon E. Graham

Dictionary of Gypsy Mythology: Charms, Rites, and Magical Traditions of the Roma was written by Claude Lecouteux, and translated into English by Jon E. Graham. It is a dictionary style guide to the oral tradition of the Rom. This includes some of their folktales, rites, songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, and magical traditions. His main source is material collected by Heinrich Adalbert von Wlislocki (1856-1907), an ethnologist who lived with gypsies in Romania, Transylvania, and Hungary in the latter half of the 19th century. He presents the origin myths of the gypsies, legends which form the ancestral memory of the gypsy tribes and often closely touch on their daily life. Rare illustrations and information from obscure sources appearing for the first time in English, this detailed reference work represents an excellent resource for scholars and those seeking to reconnect to their forgotten gypsy heritage.
Dictionary of Gypsy Mythology: Charms, Rites, and Magical Traditions of the Roma is a good, well organized resource with dictionary style entries. I like how thorough and well researched the information is, and I love learning about different cultures. I have read so much fiction that touches on the culture, but I am never sure just how accurate it is. Having something this well organized would help me look up certain topics or names to see if it is being used correctly. This is not a book to casually read and get full stories and a larger picture of the traditions. This is a book to study or use as a reference when doing research or writing to make sure we use our mentions and terminology correctly.  For this, the book is a valuable tool. There are some stories toward the end of the book, but I am greedy and would like more. I am hoping to do more of my own study in the traditions and legends, because I find understanding other people to be important and fascinating- and it frankly makes us better people when we understand things from another point of view. I did not get a whole lot of that, but I did glean some interesting and important information that will help me along as I continue looking for more. 
If you have read a wonderful book on legends or mythology of any culture (for children or adults) please let me know. I love the expand my understanding and horizons! 

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