
Book Review: Strange Medicine: A History of Medical Remedies by John Farndon, Venitia Dean

Strange Medicine: A History of Medical Remedies by John Farndon and Venitia Dean is a children's non fiction book. Many of today's illnesses are often treated with a prescription for medication. But long ago, people battled sicknesses with roots, plants, and even bugs. Learn more about early remedies and the seemingly strange ways people tried to cure illnesses. This book combines visuals and concise explanations of historical illnesses, accepted cures, and various other tidbits of information relating to the history of medicine.

Strange Medicine: A History of Medical Remedies is well organized with a combination of photographs and illustrations that help interest the audience and support the information in the text. The language used is clear and concise, giving information and entertainment mixed in together. The information is engaging and entertaining, with bits of weird facts (often involving pee or poop) that will appeal to those more interested in gross or silly facts of humor. I like that the medical history and odd facts included are not only about one area, culture, age or gender. More importantly, at no point is the information mocking of the people or practices. I think the blend of information and entertainment is very well done, and it is clear that the authors know their audience, and what will keep them engaged and reading. 

Strange Medicine: The Sickening History of Medicine is a fun and informative collection of medical history complete with images that further interest and engage readers of all ages. 

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