
Early Book Review: Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids by Chantelle Grace

Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids by Chantelle Grace is currently scheduled for release on May 1 2017. How do trees get on the internet? They log in. What type of music are balloons afraid of? Pop music! Young comedians love to share  jokes with anyone who will listen. Some kids are always looking for new material, hungry for the next best thing. This is a brand-new collection of laughs, giggles, and guffaws. Beware--it is sure entertain for days to come!

Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids is a fun and filled with a good variety of kid and family friendly jokes. Some were just what we needed to get a smile out of my daughter when she was having a bad night, some others were ones were had all heard before or real groaners. As with any collection, some were just what I was looking for, and others were a miss. However, for young joke fans this would make a good addition to their arsenal of appropriate jokes. 

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