
Early Book Review: Sleepless Knight by James Sturm, Alexis Frederick-Frost, Andrew Arnold

Sleepless Knight by James Sturm, Alexis Frederick-Frost, and Andrew Arnold is a children's graohic novel currently scheduled for release on April 14 2015. The Knight is very excited for her first camping trip. She and her horse Edward pack everything they need, including her beloved Teddy. However, when it is time to sleep Teddy is nowhere to be found! Knight goes in search of her Teddy, talking to a helpful racoon and off to a cave.

Sleepless Knight is a simple and sweet story. The Knight wants her adventure, but still needs Teddy by her side to sleep. Like most kids, she wants independence but still needs a connection to comfort. Her horse Edward seems to be the long suffering sort, ready to do whatever needs to be done, regardless of his own wants and needs. When Knight discovers that Teddy is missing she is eager to find him, but Edward is fast asleep and she depends on herself and nearby woodland critters for help. Some misadventure leads to a happy ending for everyone. The artwork is accessible and a perfect pairing to the story.

I would recommend Sleepless Knight to the youngest comic fans, as it will appeal to the picturebook and easyreader crowds. The story and artwork are appropriate for all ages, and simple good fun.

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