
Early Book Review: Even Monsters by A.J. Smith

Even Monsters by A.J. Smith is a picturebook all about monsters that is currently scheduled for release on April 04 2014. Did you know that while monsters roar, growl, and moan they also have to eat, get ready for bed, and are sometimes a little afraid of the dark? Even the scariest monster out there is not that different from anyone looking at or reading Even Monsters.

Even Monsters sets out to capture the attention of the monster loving youngsters in your house. Monsters might growl and make scary noises, like my son when he gets out of bed in the morning, but they also need to brush their teeth, refrain from playing from their food, and go to bed. Monsters just might also be scared of the dark, or miss their moms, just like everyone else. I thought the book did a nice job of connecting the monsters that some kids love, some fear, and some are obsessed with to their own actions. This makes monsters less scary, more silly, and our children's fears a little less powerful. My only problem with the book was some page formatting difficulties that my reading a little bit challenging, but I am confident that the issues have been resolved and they were likely because of the e-galley format that I requested and received via NetGalley.

I would recommend Even Monsters to parents that have a monster fan in their house that needs a little help with fear of the dark or getting their daily tasks done. I think young readers with a little fear of monsters might also get something out of the book since it makes the monsters a little more human, and a lot less threatening, to active imaginations.

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