
Real life

Sorry for the delay between posts, real life has interfered with my writing and blogging life.

For anyone that is interested in the actual life for the person behind the words I am going to share the short hand of the current going ons of my life. My mother in law has been diagnosed with a serious, progressive illness. So we are all trying to deal with the realities of that diagnosis and take the steps necessary to make her life as pleasant and full of love as possible. Hence, new arrangements needed to be made for childcare, as she took care of my two crazy toddlers one day a week, and simply can not handle that any more. Also we are house hunting so that my in laws can move into the home we are currently living in (which we rent from them at this time) where they can have single story living to make life easier.

So, I apologize in advance if anyone misses my regular poems and book reviews. I will try to keep up as much as I can. I appreciate all my readers, and welcome any comments or constructive criticism for my poetry, book reviews or other writing that I post here. Please keep reading and let me know that you are out there. Most of the time I feel like I am talking to myself here, which isn't out of the ordinary for me.

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