
Early Book Review: The Astronomers' Library: The Books that Unlocked the Mysteries of the Universe by Karen Masters

The Astronomers' Library: The Books that Unlocked the Mysteries of the Universe by Karen Masters is currently scheduled for release on April 23 2024.

Humankind has looked to the heavens since the dawn of time, wondering what is out there, as well as how everything works and (originally) who was responsible for it. Every tribe, race and civilization has wondered about our place in the universe and what lies beyond and what lies within it, below our feet. Lately, attention has turned to the origins of the universe. From the turn of the millennium, knowledge and ideas were recorded, first on tablets or rock, then in the form of simple manuscripts, and eventually in a much more elaborate fashion as illustrative, engraving, and printing skills evolved. As far back as the tenth century, Persian scholars such as Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi was recording his findings, observations and speculations on the wider universe, in his Book of Fixed Stars. The focus turned to Europe in the Middle Ages, with Germany, Holland and England the centers of study and publication. Following the “Copernican Revolution”, observation and study underwent a radical change, paving the way for astronomers such as Kepler, Galilei and Newton to shed further light on the nature of the planets and stars of our known systems, and the ground beneath our feet. Each of those famous names contribute to the illustrated books that are featured within.

The Astronomers' Library is a well researched and documented book that explores some of the most important and influential astronomy books from the last 800 years. As someone that has always been fascinated with the subject, I found the combination of information about the history or the field and its texted enthralling. I thought the illustrations and photographs use enhance the understanding and keeps the reader fully engaged with the book while also encouraging further exploration of the featured texts and times.  I felt that I learned a great deal from this read, and am likely to revisit it because it was an enjoyable read while also being informative. I also appreciated the list of more modern texts recommended by the author at the end of the book.

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