
Book Review: Plants on the Move by Émilie Vast

Plants on the Move by Émilie Vast, translated by Julie Cormier, is a children's book that tells the stories of fourteen plant journeys. When you think of a plant, you don't think of how it moves. But the feathery seeds of the dandelion fly to other gardens, strawberry tendrils creep, and maple seeds spin. There are many different ways plants move, not only as they grow, but in their quest to reproduce: falling, clinging, floating, burrowing--even exploding! The book includes the scientific names for the different ways plants move.
Plants on the Move is a lyrical and interesting read. It does a good job of describing the way the included plants grow, spread, and move. I liked the flow of the text, which means the author and translator did a good job in word and syntax choice. I cannot speak to all of the matching artwork that is in the final copy of the book- as my digital galley did not include the art. However, the cover art and what I could find from the publisher looks well done and balances the text on each page well. 

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