
Early Book Review: Burt the Beetle Doesn't Bite! by Ashley Spires

Burt the Beetle Doesn't Bite! by Ashley Spires is a nonfiction graphic novel for young readers currently scheduled for release on June 1 2021. 
Meet Burt, a ten-lined june beetle. He's sure he belongs in the category of bugs with superpower-like abilities. No, he can't carry 50 times his weight, like ants. No, he's not able to spray paralyzing venom, like some termites. No, he can't release a bad smell to repel predators, like stink bugs. What june beetles are known for is chasing porch lights and flailing their legs in the air --- does that count? Maybe Burt will just have to accept the truth. June beetles don't have any special abilities. But when some other bugs find themselves in perilous trouble that even their superpowers can't get them out of, Burt suddenly realizes there is one thing that he can do to save his friends --- and it's something that only a june beetle can do!

Burt the Beetle Doesn't Bite! is another winner from Spires. Burt is a beetle that wants to be a special as all the other creatures around him- but his positive attitude and good hugs are not nearly as cool as what everyone else can do, right? I loved he facts about june beetles and all the other critters Burt runs into. I also liked the personality of poor Burt, as he tries to look on the bright side even as he starts to doubt himself. I think many readers, or all ages, will recognize the spiral of doubt and worry that Burt feels. I think we have all been there at some point. And the understanding that some of the more goofy aspects of Burt's are what enables him to come to the rescue and keep himself safe. I really enjoyed the balance between science facts and the silly vibe that keeps the reader turning pages. The illustrations are equally interesting and engaging. It would do well both as a fun read and a starting point in lower grade classrooms talking about insects, nature, and character traits. I think young readers that like nonfiction about nature, humor, and graphic novels and picturebooks will greatly appreciate this book. 

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