
Early Book Review: Me and My Cat by Michael Dahl

Me and My Cat by Michael Dahl is a picturebook currently scheduled for release on August 1 2016. Your cat loves you, and you love your cat. But you and your cat don not always like the same things. Using a combination of sweet art, relatable situations, and fact boxes this fun picturebook will help readers of all ages find the best ways to build a lasting friendship with your cat.

Me and My Cat is a simple picturebook that gets an important message about how to treat a pet across without it coming across as overbearing. The book uses simple but colorful images and basic text to explore things children like to do, things children like to do, and how the two match (or do not). I thought this would be great for a family getting their first cat, or visiting a family or friend with cats so that kids can enjoy the book, and learn how to treat the pets at the same time. While this is not groundbreaking work, it is certainly going to fulfill a need and serve its purpose well.  

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