
Early Book Review: Stay! A Top Dog Story by Alex Latimer

Stay! A Top Dog Story is a picturebook written by Alex Latimer.It is currently scheduled for release on July 2 2015. Buster is a very difficult dog! He is messy and tends to be naughty.  However, Ben thinks he's the best dog ever. When Ben goes on  vacation with his parents, he tries to write down everything to help Grampa look after Buster. Ben spends a good portion of his holiday thinking of other things he should have told Grampa, but maybe  Grampa can make his own list of things to help Ben's family with Buster.

Stay! A Top Dog Story is a cute story about a family with a dog that needs some traiing. Buster is a nice dog, but one that often makes messes or gets into trouble. When Ben and his parents go on a trip Benm is worried about Buster, and his Grampa. It is during this trip that Grampa starts training Buster. While Ben is filling up postcards with Buster's favorite, and least favorite, things Buster is being taught correctly and Grampa is making lists of commands and instructions to help Buster be the best dog he can be. This is a charming and sometimes silly story about a puppy and his family that need to learn how to work together for good behavior. Buster was always a great dog, but with Grampa's help he can behave well also. 

Stay! A Top Dog Story is a good story for showing that dogs need to be trained, just like people need to learn manners and skills. No dog is bad, just poorly trained. This could be a good story for showing children how much responsibility is involved in owning a dog, and how important that training is, as well as keeping up with that training.

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