
Book Review: Platypuses: Web-Footed Billed Mammals by Rebecca E. Hirsch

Platypuses: Web-Footed Billed Mammals by Rebecca E. Hirsch is a children's non fiction book. It details what makes a platypus so special, and the commonalities and differences it has with several other mammals such as the beaver, dolphin, giraffe, or wild dog. Key traits of platypuses; their appearance, behavior, habitat, and life cycle-; are covered and compared with those of other mammals. Charts and sidebars support key ideas and provide details. Through gathering information about similarities and differences, readers will make connections and draw conclusions about what makes this animal a mammal and how mammals are alike and different from each other.

Platypuses: Web-Footed Billed Mammals is a well organized non fiction offering for children. the information is set up in an interesting manner with images and photographs that catch the eye and keep the interest of younger readers. I liked the graphs and comparisons with other mammals, some of which will be familiar to all readers and others which are much less familiar. the combination makes even information readers might have already known more interesting because of that dichotomy.

Platypuses: Web-Footed Billed Mammals is a good book to offer readers interested in nature, animals, and science in general. the organization is solid and the text and image combinations capture and keep the interest of readers easily. 

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