
Book Review: Dorothy's Derby Chronicles: Rise of the Undead Redhead by Meghan Dougherty and Alece Birnbach

Rise of the Undead Redhead is the first book in the Dorothy’s Derby Chronicles series by by Meghan Dougherty and Alece Birnbach. This children's series is about Dorothy Moore, who is dealing with the fact that their mother has left her and her younger sister Sam in the care of her hearse driving, pink haired, outgoing grandmother. She would love to just fade into the woodwork, but it is hard to do that as the new girl in a small town. Grandma Sally's changed to her sedate wardrobe and catching the eyes of the school mean girls do not bode well. But a group of allies and the chance to learn how to roller skate might be just what she needs.

Rise of the Undead Redhead is the wonderful start to a new series. Dorothy is a shy girl, and the exuberance of her grandmother makes her more than a little uncomfortable. I can completely relate to her desire to fade into the background, always having been less than outgoing myself. I could feel for and relate o Dorothy, and enjoy the quirkiness of her grandmother, and the carefree attitude and innocence of her sister Sam. I loved the friends she makes, Jade and Gigi, as they are fun and different in their own right. The building of the group of girls, and Dorothy's learning to trust in herself, made this book both fun and relate able. I cannot wait to see where this group of girls and their varied issues take me in the future.

I enjoyed Rise of the Undead Redhead and look forward to continuing the series, I think that any middle grade reader that has been the new kid, or simply felt like they just wanted to escape notice from the crowds, will really enjoy this book.

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