
Book Tour with Review, Excerpt, and Giveaway: Jaguar Hunt by Terry Spear

Jaguar Hunt is the third book in the Heart of the Jaguar series by Terry Spear. This paranormal romance is one that can be read as a stand alone, but has the bonus of a bigger picture and already knowing some of the characters if you have read the previous books. I have not read the earlier books, so I am starting fresh here. 

Agent Tammy Anderson has a reputation: she prefers to work alone and often ditches anyone partnered with her. When she is paired up on a mission with fellow jaguar-shifter David Patterson, who she recently had released from jail, she is less than thrilled. But, the twin teen age shifters David are following know something about the missing jaguar Tammy is trying to return to its home at a zoo. When their joint mission takes them to Belize they expect an easy mission, but everything is more complicated than it seems. the teens know much more than they are saying, and dirty agents are putting everyone's lives on the line. Can Tammy and David find the boys and the jaguar while rooting out the mole, staying alive, and finding a balance of work and pleasure? 

Jaguar Hunt has a good blend of law enforcement adventure and steamy romance. The mystery aspect of this book, just who the bad agent might be, is more complicated than I expected. the twist and turns were varied and had me doubting my instincts a few times. I liked that Tammy was independent and smart, she faced every challenge head on and surprised even herself with her own resourcefulness. David was both good-guy and rogue rolled up in a single well-trained agent. Their interactions were well done, an both characters were likable and interesting.

Jaguar Hunt is a good blend of paranormal and suspense romance. I think readers that have been following the series will get more out of the book than those of us starting fresh, but it was still a satisfying read.

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“Good night.” David closed his eyes, but he couldn’t stop taking in deep breaths of her jasmine soap and she-cat scent mixed into one delightful fragrance. He couldn’t ignore the beat of her heart - or his - that told him he was way too turned on, and that she was feeling the same way. He couldn’t help feeling the heat of her body and wanting to ratchet it up a few degrees, starting with a kiss. A kiss. Hell, he’d never gone to bed with a woman when it meant total hands off. But lips...they didn’t count, did they? She’d closed her eyes, but she wasn’t sleeping. She hadn’t pulled away from him, giving him her back. That meant something. Didn’t it? He could ask. And she could say no. He could kiss her, and when she got ready to slap him, he’d tell her it was a good-night kiss. And it would be. Unless she wanted more. He could get lucky and she’d kiss him back. Somehow it didn’t seem right to go to bed with a woman and not at least kiss her good night. She opened her eyes to see him looking down at her - well, he was judging her lips, but when they curved up a bit, he lifted his gaze to meet her eyes and saw she was watching him. “What?” she asked. He couldn’t say it. David Patterson, who had no trouble interesting women in kisses and so much more, couldn’t say it. “Don’ You want a good-night kiss,” she said, but he wasn’t certain whether she was offering or...not. Not about to lose the opportunity, he placed his hand under her chin, lifted her face, and waited only the briefest period for her to pull away if she wasn’t in the mood for this. When she didn’t, he leaned down and kissed her mouth.

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Author Bio
USA Today bestselling author Terry Spear has written over two dozen paranormal romance novels and medieval Highland historical romances. In 2008 HEART OF THE WOLF was named a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry also creates award-winning teddy bears that have found homes all over the world. She lives in Crawford, Texas.

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