
Early Book Review: Trouble in Texas by Katie Lane

Trouble in Texas is the fourth book in the Deep in the Heart of Texas series by Katie Lane. It is scheduled for release on December 18 2012. Elizabeth Murphy was taught by her mother not to trust men, and she never questioned it. She is living a quiet life, working as a librarian in a tiny Texan town and playing the role of an old maid. However, when she inherits an infamous henhouse her life begins to spin out of control, but that could be just what she needs. Brant Crates is on a search for his heritage, and maybe a little revenge. When he finds the ramshackle building that is said to be the henhouse where his ancestor was shot, he finds more questions than answers. His plan certainly did not include being shot, drugged, or handcuffed to a bed but some elderly women, but getting wrapped up in Elizabeth's world could prove to be a major game changer.

Trouble in Texas was a fun romance, and just what I needed after some much heavier fare. Elizabeth was a well intentioned and good hearted character, with enough spunk to override the straight lace persona she tried to maintain. The fact that she shared my profession, a librarian mind you, and a deep love of books made me relate to her even more than I might have otherwise. I liked her through out the book, and really enjoyed that she grew as a person and came to understand herself, and her family, more as the story progressed. Brant had some serious baggage as the story began, and he also grew and came to understand himself and the world around him better as the story progressed. The chemistry between the two is undeniable, and while there were a couple moments that I was not thrilled with either of them and their choices, as a whole I liked them both, and their story.

Trouble in Texas is a great romance read. It is contemporary, but has a small town atmosphere and fun, quirky characters. If you are like me and have not read the first three books in the Deep in the Heart of Texas series, do not fear. I did not feel like I was missing anything important but when I finished the story I was eager to read the others (both those that came before and those to come) to read more about some of my favorite secondary characters.

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