
Book Review and Giveaway: Memories by Deanna Lynn Sletten

Do not forget to comment on this review to win your own signed copy!!

Memories by Deanna Lynn Sletten is an emotional and gripping read. Michael DeCara came home with physical and mental scars from Vietnam. After a failed marriage he lost himself in caring for his daughter and a string of short term relationships.  Danielle Westerly has lost herself in work and a few close friendships, ever since a relationship that left her deeply wounded. How could a mutual friend know that the cause of Danielle's pain and Michael could be related? After they are back in each other's lives they each need to come to terms with the past, and just maybe look toward the future. They each journey through heartache, tragedy, and understanding.

Memories begins with a look into the future, so while reading, I already knew how the big picture would come together. However, the journey was no less emotional because of knowing the final destination. Danielle is a character that I can relate to, in that she losses herself in the day to day life rather than looking towards her personal future. Micheal has spent so much of his life running from his family and war wounds while caring for his daughter that he is just getting back into looking for his own happiness again. The reunion of the two, and the still present feelings, set both on paths that require self reflection and looking back at how they effected each other. Their story really grabbed me and would not let me go.

Memories is not my typical read. While it has romance, it is an emotional story rather than something fun and easy to get lost in. I am so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone! I literally read the book in one sitting, reading long after I should have been asleep simply because I had to read to the end. It is no surprise to me that Memories has been chosen as a Semifinalist in The Kindle Book Review's Best Indie Book of 2012 Contest.

I highly recommend Memories to readers that enjoy books that deal with deep emotional understand of the main character, and those around them. In fact, I loved the book so much that I would like to share the signed copy I received to review with a lucky reader. If you would like to receive a copy just comment here on this blog post. Quick and easy, right? A lucky commenter will be chose randomly on Friday October 26th!


  1. Sharon - Thank you so much for this wonderful review of Memories. I'm so happy that you enjoyed it.

  2. Sounds interesting!

    Count me in please.

    -Britt T.

