
Early Book Review: 'I Don't Believe it Archie' by Andrew Norriss

I Don't Believe it Archie by Andrew Norriss is a children's book for children around seven to twelve years old. It is scheduled for release on March 13. The book is all about a boy named Archie that is surrounded by strangeness. While we might be surprised to see a piano roll down a hill, park itself against a car door so that the car's occupants can not get out, and a wacky series of events that follow Archie is not. Odd things happen to him every day, but while his life is interesting it is rare that anyone fully believes his tales of adventure. Most of the time he does not even bother to tell anyone about what happens, because he would spend his days explaining rather than actually doing anything. During our first adventure with Archie we met Cyd, a girl that wants to tag along on Archie's accidental adventures. The two become fast friends, and having Cyd by his side makes each adventure easier to handle and explain. Her efforts and company make the days smoother and much more fun.

See my complete review here on Yahoo! Voices.

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